Commercial fire door sets: your questions answered

You’re probably aware of the need for fire door sets on your premises, not only for safety reasons, but to ensure legal compliance, too. But how do they work in practice? This Q&A guide covers all the key facts around fire door sets and what they mean for your business.

How do fire door sets work?

Fire door sets are made from materials that can withstand fire for 30 minutes and more. They are fitted with intumescent strips and smoke seals across their edges, which expand when heat is applied. This means that it takes fire longer to penetrate the door, and for smoke to filter through gaps and edges. These doors are rigorously tested and approved to strict British standards.

Where are fire door sets required?

Generally speaking, fire door sets are needed:

  • In areas where fire can best be contained in one area of a building
  • In places where there is a higher risk of a fire starting
  • Across the entirety of all designated escape routes

However, the exact placement of fire door sets in your property depends on its unique characteristics. Your fire risk assessment and Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan will determine precisely where fire door sets are required in your building.

How can you tell if commercial fire door sets are fire rated?

BM TRADA manufactured and installed door sets are clearly marked with plugs and labels that identify the fire rating, installation and important information required for maintenance and compliance.

Your fire door sets should be inspected regularly by qualified fire door experts. To ensure continued legal compliance, we recommend using a reputable company that is fully-certified under the BM Trada Q-Mark Scheme for fire door maintenance – just like our team at CFP.

What are the rules for commercial fire door sets in the UK?

If your building has previously had a Fire Risk Assessment and a Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan assigned to it, you have a legal obligation to inspect your fire door sets on a regular basis – just like your fire alarm system.

Can I install and maintain my own fire door sets?

Only if you are a ‘competent person’ with the right training, experience, qualifications and knowledge. So unless you have dealt with fire door sets and safety before, the answer to this question is probably no.

It is inadvisable for a fire door set to be maintained or repaired by an unqualified person. This can easily impair the fire rating and leave your building non-compliant. Fire door sets can withstand a fire for 30-60 minutes – or beyond – if fitted properly. But if mistakes are made, this protection may last only 5 minutes, or even less.

How can I ensure my fire door sets meet UK fire safety standards?

The best way to be fully confident that your fire door sets are safe and compliant is to work with qualified, experienced inspectors, installers and maintainers. You should ensure that they have the expertise and diligence required – just like our team at Commercial Fire Protection, who are fully certified with the BM Trada Q-Mark Scheme.

How often should I check my fire door sets?

According to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, it is a legal requirement to ensure that fire door sets are suitably maintained to be fit for purpose.

To ensure you stay compliant, we recommend conducting a routine fire door inspection by a competent, BM Trada Q-Mark Scheme certified professional at least every six months. For fire door sets that are frequently used, this could increase to every three months.

Do all doors in commercial buildings need to be fire door sets?

Not necessarily, because it depends on the nature of the building and environment. Your Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan (FEEP) will work out where fire door sets are required.

Keeping you compliant

Commercial Fire Protection has many years’ experience installing and maintaining fire door sets for businesses just like yours. As well as being fully BM Trada Q-Mark certified for fire door maintenance, our fire risk assessors are all members of the Institute of Fire Managers and Fire Engineers – meaning we’re also fully qualified to conduct your Fire Risk Assessment and design your Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan.

We have the certification and experience to ensure your premises are safe and compliant at all times. Find out more on our services for fire door installation and fire door inspection today.

Commercial fire door